Randomness in Haskell

August 23, 2023

tags: #haskell, #fp, #plt, #learning in public

In Haskell, we want functions to be deterministic. On the other hand we also want randomness (which isn’t deterministic).

To get determinism in Haskell, random-like functions (random, randomR, randoms, etc.) will always generate the same result if called with the same seed (required as a parameter). Calling it once might return a result that looks random, but any subsequent calls with the same seed will return the same result. Thus we have a “pure” function.

To get actual randomness, Haskell has a non-deterministic function newStdGen for generating a random seed. Haskell has confusingly1 named the seed type StdGen which stands for “standard generator”, implying it generates / returns a value. But from the perspective of the API, StdGen is a seed you pass into the random-like functions. It is these latter functions that return a number.

In other words, instead of a random number generator, we have a deterministic number generator and a random seed generator.

Note: We use the adjective “number” in “number generator”. But Haskell has a typeclass Random that describes any type that could be randomized. This includes Bool, Int, Float, Char, etc.

To make this concrete, here’s an example:

In many languages, random(0,10) will give you a random number between 0 and 10. A subsequent call will likely give you a different result. Many calls should generate a sequence that looks sufficiently random.

In Haskell, we first create a generator gen of type StdGen (remember here that StdGen is basically a synonym for “seed”), we then pass that generator to any random-like function (e.g. randomR (0,10) gen). Given the same gen, it will always produce the same result.

Does that mean to generate a sequence that looks random, we need to generate a new gen for every call?

Not exactly. Every random-like function in Haskell has been designed to return not just the “random” value but a new StdGen seed that 1) was generated deterministically, and 2) if used as input to another call, will appear like a completely random call.

let (n, gen') = randomR (0, 10) gen

We can then pass the new gen' to another random-like function to get a different-looking but still deterministic result. In other words, we now have a sequence of calls to a random-like function that look random, but is actually very simple to replicate.

Why all the hassle?2 Abstractly, Haskell is separating pseudorandomness that is intended to be difficult to replicate (i.e. cryptographic PRNGs) from pseudorandomness that is very easy to replicate. Alternatively, we can say that Haskell is separating out “randomness” as a concept (in the seed generator) from the calculation involved in using “randomness” to generate a value. In doing so, Haskell has further pushed the limits of what can be done via pure functions, adhering to its functional programming philosophy.


  1. At least, it was confusing for me when I first came across it.

  2. Admittedly I’m new to this, so this rationale is just my way of of understanding the design-decision.