EVM memory model

November 15, 2023

tags: #solidity, #ethereum, #memory, #learning in public

One tricky thing about learning Solidity is the EVM memory model, in particular, the distinction between memory and storage memory.

First, memory is what we typically think of when we think of memory in C or C++. In other words,

On the other hand, storage is memory that will persist after the execution of the program. In other words, storage is the equivalent to a database or an external file, except it doesn’t require an API call and is built-in directly to Solidity.

When you declare a variable, the compiler needs to know whether it is a storage variable or a memory variable. Where and how you declare the variable determines whether it’s one vs. the other (will cover in the last section).


The most important things to know about storage are as follows:

Fixed-size types

Example of fixed-size types include uint256, int8, bool, and structs. To illustrate, let’s say you had the following contract.

contract FixedStorage {
	uint256 x1;
	uint8 y1;
	uint8 y2;
	int8 y3;
	int8 y4;

Since the first variable x1 is of type uint256, it’s size is 32 bytes. Thus the first slot in storage will be entirely occupied by x1. On the other hand, each of y1, y2, y3, and y4 are only a single-byte, thus all four of their values are packed into the next slot (with another 28-bytes of space remaining).

However, suppose you had this contract instead.

contract FixedStorage {
	uint8 y1;
	uint256 x1;
	uint8 y2;
	int8 y3;
	int8 y4;

y1 will occupy the first slot, leaving 31-bytes of available storage. The next variable, x1 is 32 bytes, and thus cannot be packed into the remaining space of the first slot. Therefore it will occupy a new second slot. The remaining variables y2, y3, and y4 will then be packed into a third slot.

The takeaway here is that when it comes to storage, the order in which variables are declared matters.

Dynamic-sized types (i.e. mappings and dynamic arrays)

Note: This does not apply to fixed-sized arrays whose lengths are known at compile time.

When storing dynamic arrays and mappings, we cannot store the data in the same way as for the fixed-sized types, since their size can grow and shrink dynamically. Instead, we reserve the 32-byte slot—for the length if it’s an array, empty if it’s a mapping—and store the actual data at a different location.


For example, say a dynamic array ends up in storage slot 15, then the length of the array is stored in the main slot. The data for the array elements is then stored at location keccak256(15). In other words, the first element in the array is at key keccak256(15), the second element would try to be packed into the previous slot, but if it doesn’t fit, would occupy a new slot at keccack256(15) + 1, and so on and so forth, continuing contiguously under the same rules as above.


Say a mapping ends up at storage slot 203, the slot is reserved and remains empty. When a key-value pair is added to the mapping, the location of the value in storage is determined by the following formula: keccak256(h(k) . p), where p is the storage slot (i.e. 203 in this example), k is the key in the mapping, . is the concatenation operator, and h() is a function that will do nothing if k is of type bytes or string, or pad k to 32 bytes otherwise.

Bytes and Strings

If a bytes or string is less than 31 bytes, the data is stored directly in the slot. The 31 bytes of data are stored in the higher-order bytes (left-aligned or big-endian), while the first, lower-order byte is reserved for the length of the bytes or string. For reasons explained later, the length is stored as length * 2.

If a bytes or string is greater than 32 bytes, it is stored in the same way as dynamic arrays. The root slot now holds the length of the bytes and is stored as length * 2 + 1.

Why length * 2 and length * 2 + 1 instead of just length? Multiplying by 2 in the former case ensures that the value is always even (i.e. lowest order bit is 0). Multiplying by 2 then adding 1 in the latter case ensures that the value is always odd (i.e. the lowest order bit is 1). As a result, by examining the lowest order bit, we can immediately determine if the data is stored in the slot itself or in another location.

Note, we don’t have to worry about overflow. If the length is stored in the single byte (as in the former case), the length of the data will always be less than 32 bytes. Thus at most the value will be 31 * 2 = 62 which is well under 256, or the maximum value that can be stored in a byte. If the entire 32-byte slot stores the length of the string, then similar to what we had with dynamic arrays, the length would have to be greater than 2^255 bytes, which is an extraordinarily large number.


If storage is a key-value database, memory is a byte-array. Each scope (e.g. function, block, etc.) gets its own memory with the following rules.

Declaring storage vs. memory

WHERE you declare variables and HOW you declare them determines whether or not a value is in storage or memory. In other words,